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Warning about 'uncontrolled tourism' to Antalya

While uncontrolled tourism actions continue in Spain's Canary Islands, a series of prohibitions targeting foreigners have been imposed. A warning has been issued that a similar process could occur in Antalya.

Haber Giriş Tarihi: 28.04.2024 12:17
Haber Güncellenme Tarihi: 28.04.2024 12:17
Kaynak: Sözcü
Warning about 'uncontrolled tourism' to Antalya

Recep Yavuz, the Chairman of the Tourism Working Group of the Antalya City Council, drew attention to the hunger strikes and protests ongoing since April 16 due to the tourist density in the Canary Islands, which has a population of 2.2 million. He noted that in Antalya, with a population of 2.5 million, 16 million tourists have been hosted smoothly, but precautions need to be taken in this regard. Spanish citizens have taken to the streets in the southeastern Canary Islands, protesting against "uncontrolled tourism" due to its impact on the cost of living, housing issues, and rent increases.


The hunger strike initiated due to the intense tourist activity in Spain's Canary Islands, consisting of 8 islands, has drawn the attention of Antalya as well, citing concerns about mass tourism and similar problems that could arise. Recep Yavuz, Chairman of the Tourism Working Group of the Antalya City Council, mentioned that 55,000 people took to the streets last Saturday in the Canary Islands, protesting with the slogan 'Tourist go home', and that 6 people have been continuing their hunger strike with the slogan 'Canarias se agota: Kanaryalara artık yetti' since April 16.

The people of the Canary Islands demanded that no new accommodation centers be built in the region, regulations be introduced for short-term rental of houses for vacation purposes, restrictions be imposed on the sale of houses to foreigners, and an environmental tax be imposed on tourists.


Yavuz, stating that the protests were not against tourism but against uncontrolled tourism, said, "The increasing tourist density in Spain has begun to negatively affect the lives of the islanders in recent years, and reactions have manifested themselves through small-scale protests. Before the pandemic, people continuously displayed 'We don't want tourists' protests from balconies with black flags. The issue was temporarily set aside during the pandemic. However, starting from 2022, the increasing density and the uncontrolled nature of tourism turned small complaints into major rebellions."


Yavuz, emphasizing the significant impact of this fluctuation on the lives of local people in their own living areas, stated:

Prices increased, everywhere became excessively crowded, and the unpleasant behavior of young tourists coming to the islands for parties spiraled out of control. The islands turned into hubs for 'alcohol tourism', and theft and petty crimes increased. Streets were filled with drunken individuals and harassers. In other words, the honeymoon period in Spanish tourism was over."


Yavuz pointed out that Spain was the second most visited country in the world with 70 million tourists in 2022 and 80 million in 2023, "This year, it will be even more. Both the mainland, including Madrid, Seville, Valencia, and Barcelona, and the famous coastal islands have been the apple of the eye of world tourism for centuries. With the addition of foreigners buying homes in the region just for holidays, in many places, there are more tourists than local residents. The number of Germans and British nationals buying homes in the islands reached half a million. Last year, 14 million tourists visited the Canary Islands, which have a population of 2.2 million."


Yavuz explained that local and central governments are trying to find solutions to the problem with a series of bans and restrictions without losing the crucial tourism sector in the country's economy. He listed the bans implemented in various regions of Spain in the past few years as follows:

Domestic flights under 2.5 hours were banned. Smoking on the beach was prohibited, with fines starting from 30 euros. It is forbidden to stroll outside the beach area wearing clothes such as bikinis, swimsuits, or shorts, with a fine of 300 euros. In some areas, stepping onto the beaches between 24:00 and 07:00 was banned, with a fine of 750 euros. Pouring small amounts of water into nature or the sea was prohibited. Where walking dogs is allowed, cleaning up dog feces was made mandatory, with a penalty of 1500 euros otherwise.

Bringing lounge chairs and mattresses from home to the beaches and taking them back was made mandatory. The number of tourists in groups was reduced. Visiting hours for tourist attractions were restricted. Taking selfies on the moving staircase in Sagrada Familia was banned. The accommodation tax paid by tourists was increased. The water supply to pools and golf courses was connected to controlled distribution. Setting up tents on beaches was prohibited."


Recep Yavuz, Chairman of the Tourism Working Group of the Antalya City Council, stating that Spain will have a difficult summer in tourism, announced that similar moves such as protest actions and hunger strikes will frequently occur throughout the summer.

Pointing out the need for Antalya to focus on "more tourists with fewer problems," Yavuz said, "It's time for us to focus on this. It's not easy to accommodate an additional 16 million in Antalya, with a population of 2.5 million. We don't have any of the bans listed above, but we have an example in Spain. To avoid being crushed under the burden of 16 million, we must channel our efforts correctly. Let Antalya be an example, let's not fall into Spain's situation."

Kaynak: Sözcü

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