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Luxury yachts will be exhibited at this fair

Luxury yachts will be exhibited at this fair

Haber Giriş Tarihi: 04.05.2024 15:16
Haber Güncellenme Tarihi: 04.05.2024 15:16
Kaynak: İHA
Luxury yachts will be exhibited at this fair

The '5th TYBA Yacht Charter Show D-Marin Göcek,' organized in collaboration with the Association of All Yacht Operators, Investors, Brokers, and Agents (TYBA) and D-Marin Göcek Marina, has begun in Göcek, Turkey. Luxury yachts are being exhibited and introduced to both domestic and international agencies. The purpose of the '5th TYBA Yacht Charter Show D-Marin Göcek' fair is to breathe new life into the maritime sector in Göcek, Fethiye, and it is considered one of the significant events to revitalize marine tourism in the Aegean and Mediterranean regions, showcasing yacht tourism. The event, which is attended by 52 luxury yachts of various sizes, is deemed important for reviving marine tourism in the Aegean and Mediterranean regions. International and Turkish yacht rental companies come together with domestic and foreign boats at the fair, which also features technological equipment used in various water sports. The opening ceremony of the fair was attended by İlkay Tugay, the President of the Fethiye Branch of the Chamber of Shipping, Güneş Aysun, the President of TYBA, Bora Ergezgin, the General Manager of D-Marin, and domestic and foreign guests. Güneş Aysun, the President of TYBA, expressed their desire to contribute to the country's economy by developing yacht tourism.

"We are hosting foreign-flagged vessels."

Bora Ergezgin, the General Manager of D-Marin, stated, "Alongside the display of Turkish marine tourism fleet vessels, we are hosting foreign-flagged vessels and their crews along with brokers from different countries. I sincerely congratulate everyone involved in this project."

"We Contribute to the Promotion of Turkish Tourism." Güneş Aysun, the President of the Association of All Yacht Operators, Investors, Brokers, and Agents (TYBA), described the establishment and development process of TYBA, saying, "We are working to promote the development of marine and yacht tourism in Turkey. We are fostering relationships among different parties in the commercial yacht sector and generating projects to address the sector's issues and their solutions.

"Fethiye and Göcek have become a magnet."

Mayor Alim Karaca of Fethiye stated, "We are collaborating with many local chambers and associations. Fethiye and Göcek have become a magnet. Fethiye has ranked first among tourism destinations in Turkey in internationally prestigious magazines. Our goal for this year in Fethiye is to reach 2.2 million tourists. We have also started efforts in China to extend tourism in Fethiye to 12 months."

Kaynak: İHA

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